Sunday, December 27, 2015

Avoid AC Repair Horror Stories in Raleigh

There is an endless supply of repair horror stories on the internet. Just do a search, and you will find all sorts of scary tales from homeowners who have made discoveries about poor repairs, installations and additions to HVAC systems attempted by disreputable contractors. There are testimonials, blog rants, YouTube videos, and even investigative journalism pieces, on the horrific results that can arise from a bad AC repair. In Raleigh, there is the advantage of having a reliable and honest AC repair service in Carter Heating and Air, Inc. Don’t Open Yourself Up to Shoddy AC Repair Consumer advocates say they know when summer nears, air-conditioning complaints climb with the temperatures. When your air conditioner quits working in the middle of a heat wave, the only thing on your mind is to get it functioning again so you can be comfortable. So you call the first AC repair service you find on the internet or yellow pages, and HVAC technician comes to repair it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Raleigh Air Conditioning Repair or Replace: What are Your Options?

Homeowners should think about a repair rather than a replacement if the unit is correctly sized, has undergone only minor problems, and can be repaired for less than a third of a full replacement. However, if the repairs will cost more than a third of a replacement, you should probably replace the unit. It may seem more convenient or more affordable to repair your system than replacing it, however, repeated repair costs can pile up. Also, repeated repairs is an indication that your air conditioning unit may not be operating at its peak efficiency, which is costing you more money in the long run. Carter Heating and Air is a respected, experienced HVAC company servicing Raleigh and the surrounding areas with top-quality technicians who can examine your unit and advise you on the best solution for you.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Air Conditioning Repair in Raleigh, NC: Problems Best Left to Experts

Homeowners spend around $11 billion every year to power their air conditioners, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. With summer in full swing, energy usage for air conditioners escalates to counteract the rise of temperatures outdoors. However, enjoying a cooler air inside the home shouldn’t have to require spending more money. Installing a high-efficiency air conditioning system will reduce 20 to 50% of your energy expenses. When you are in the middle of a heat wave, the last thing you want to deal with is a broken cooling system, or waste time trying to figure out the problem. Routine maintenance on your AC unit will keep it operating at top efficiency, however, when things go wrong, the following repairs can be handled by an HVAC specialist like Carter Heating and Air.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Keeping Your Cool: Raleigh, NC Air Conditioning Repair or Replacement

With summer just around the corner, your best defense against the sweltering heat in Raleigh, NC is your air conditioner. Make sure that your air conditioning system is ready to handle the demand that you will place on it in the coming summer months. The hot weather will certainly put your cooling equipment to the test and to avoid air conditioner breakdowns and failures, you must keep it properly maintained and up-to-date. Knowing whether you need a Raleigh, NC air conditioning repair or replacement might just save your entire summer.